Monday, August 20, 2018

Practicing Philanthropy: Positives for You and Your Community

keywords and ideas:  encouraging philanthropy, kindness leadership, practice philanthropy throughout your life, philanthropy and the "blue zones", philanthropy for your health

"Every act of kindness creates a positive change for others, no matter how small.  Plus, when kids take action to be a Changemaker, it helps them be happier, healthier and feel better about themselves.  Ready to transform kind thoughts into kind actions?  Cape optional." --Class Dojo

We've been following the school's summer kindess blogpost series these last couple months.  Here is the most recent installment: Habit #9: Kindness Leadership.
I started the Philanthropy Fridays theme for the Facebook Page a few months ago, and posted about this quote last week.

Encourage the practice of philanthropy throughout your lifetime and your family's lifetime.  It is good for the giver and the receiver.

Check in:  What and Where

  • What have you done this month to engage your philanthropy "muscle"?
  • Was it local, in your community?  Or was it national or international?
  • What did you give?  Your time?  Your skill(s)?  Your income?

The practice of philanthropy is an important aspect of what makes the longevity "blue zones"successful.  😊

If you are looking for the best philanthropy fit for you, I recommend mixing it up between your local community and supporting something at a national or international level.  Every nonprofit needs people who can give their time or their skill as well as funders.  So, if you cannot do one, choose the other path.

You can find the whole series at the The Class Dojo Summer Kindness Series homepage

Interested in "Blue Zones"?
Dan Buettner's work with National Geographic and subsequent books, like The Blue Zones Solution.

More about Blue Zones work today at their website

More on the Health Effects of Philanthropy in the story of 
Roseto, Pennsylvania, where the community's health and longevity was not exclusively due to diet, exercise, or genetics, but to philanthropic community networks.  Dr. Wolf's research on Roseto was highlighted in Malcolm Gladwell's book, Outliers:

"What Wolf slowly realized was that the secret of Roseto wasn't diet or exercise or genes or the region where Roseto was situated.  It had to be the Roseto itself.  
[They cooked for each other, lived in multi-generational homes, have high respect for their elders, attend church together regularly, and, in a town of less than 2000 people] they counted twenty-two separate civic organizations..." 
"the Rosetans had created a powerful, protective social structure capable of insulating them from the pressures of the modern world.
The Rosetans were healthy ... because of the world they had created for themselves in their tiny little town in the hills."  --Outliers  [emphasis added]

Non-profits we are currently following:

Want to learn more about the basic principles learned from studying the Blue Zones?
Watch this TED talk by Dan Buettner, start at about minute 15.40 for "common denominators":

Books mentioned above
You can find these books at your local library. If you follow the Amazon affiliate link below and buy within a few hours, a few pennies (at no extra cost to you) will go toward the Hospital Handbook Project.
added these book links 11.08.2019

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