Sunday, September 22, 2019

Resources for The New Hospital Employee (Acupuncturist)

keywords: hospital-based practice, hospital-based acupuncture practice, employment in a hospital or other medium to large healthcare organization, employee, new employee, hospital practice 0-5 years, lead acupuncturist, program lead

Are you a new hospital employee with a background and degree in integrative health as an acupuncturist/east Asian medicine practitioner?

It's a big world and getting connected to other hospital-based practitioners in your field is essential to help you avoid repeating their mistakes, avoid re-inventing the wheel, and having that connection to the community to help you grow in your professional practice.

Have you already read and downloaded our beginner hospital practice resource, the First Steps resources?

If so, then you are probably looking for the next practical boots-on-the-ground guide, the New Hospital Employee resource.

Who is the New Hospital Employee resource for?

The New Hospital Employee resource is for acupuncturists just getting hired into hospital practice and employees within their first 5 years at a hospital or related organized healthcare system. It is also recommended as a background resource for any acupuncturists in a leadership position (lead acupuncturist, program lead, or department head) at a hospital or healthcare system.

This resource is a work in progress and I am re-organizing the content in fall and winter 2019. To be notified when the consolidated resource is published, sign up on this form for the email newsletter.

What you can do while you are waiting for the publication
Many of the resources are already available on the blog, website, and community. They are just not consolidated in one location yet.
So, to access the content you may need now:
  1. Sign up to the newsletter through this landing page
  2. Read the First Steps resources--the New Employee resource will assume you have already had that information and will just build upon it.
  3. Connect to the community via social media here
  4. Subscribe and follow the blog and the website
  5. If you don't find what you need on the blog and website, please contact me with your query via the website contact page and I will endeavor to help.
So, if you want to pre-order it the New Hospital Employee resource, please sign up here, through this form, and I will send you a notice when the resource packet is published.

In the meantime, keep an eye on the blog, website, and newsletters for posts and articles tagged with "teamwork", "leadership", "employee", "research literacy", and the "leadership and workplace Monday" series.

Welcome to the Hospital Practice Handbook Project community!
Megan Kingsley Gale, MSAOM
Founder and Facilitator, The Hospital-based Practice Handbook Project for Acupuncturists and Their Hospital Sponsors (Admin)

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 buy me a coffee or sponsor a small Project via our website.  Thank you.

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