Monday, April 23, 2018

Find Your Trail Guide, part 4 of the "How to Get Your Foot In The Door" series

keywords:  hospital practice, prospective hospital-practice integrative health practitioners, students of East Asian Medicine (acupuncture), integrative health students, shadowing health care practitioners, preparing for hospital practice, shadowing in hospital practice setting, finding a mentor

This is the fourth in the blogpost series answering the question:
"How do I get my foot in the door of hospital practice?"
Stay tuned as posts will be published over the next 3-4 weeks.
If you are interested in following this work, please subscribe to this blog, the public Facebook page, and subscribe to the email newsletter.

Quick overview

Find Your Trail Guide

EAM = East Asian Medicine.  Broad term that includes Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and related disciplines.
EAMP, and L.Ac. = terms for a practitioner who has completed an ACAOM-accredited master's or doctorate program and has a current state license.  EAMP = East Asian Medicine Practitioner.  L.Ac. = Licensed Acupuncturist.  L.Ac. is the most common state license title in the U.S.
MD = medical doctor, physician

Here we go!  You have your basic requirements for practice.  Now, you must enrich your foundations through experience and human connection.  

To be successful in any new expedition in life, you need a trail guide, a mentor.

East Asian Medicine (EAM) has a long history of honoring mentorship throughout one’s career.  Who are your current mentors?  

To your mentor team, now add a hospital-practice mentor.

To find someone in your field (EAM) who is in hospital practice, connect to the online forums, take courses from them, or find a way to shadow them.

Mentorships during employment are discussed more in the "performance evaluation" subchapter of the book. 

Shadow Your Trail Guide (Mentor)

If you don’t already have an EAMP hospital practice mentor, consider shadowing one.  Ask politely and remember that not all programs are open to prospective practitioner shadowing.  Teaching hospitals tend to be more open to this.  Every situation is different.  There are a lot of rules about shadowing any type of practitioner in hospital practice whether they are an MD or an L.Ac. 

One summer, while I was a pre-med student at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, I shadowed a wonderful family practitioner at an outpatient clinic.  She invited me back to shadow her every week.  So, every week, on, maybe, Tuesday, I shadowed her for a couple morning hours between classes.  As a shadow, when you are watching the practitioner with the patient, the provider introduces you, you say a quick hello, and then you are silently observing the interaction and doing your best to stay out of the way.  Unless, of course, the provider asks you to do something (like catch the LPN for something). 

So, in clinical practice, who are your current trail guides (mentors)?

Which one is your hospital practice trail guide? 

Make a list of 5 health care providers you know who work in hospital practice.

What is their discipline?  (physician, EAMP/L.Ac., psychologist, physical therapist, etc.)

What is their specialty?  (pediatrics, obstetrics, brain injury, rehabilitation, etc)

Of these providers, which would you be interested in shadowing?  Politely ask each of them, explaining your reason for doing so (as a health care practitioner you are interested in how their clinic day goes).  When one of them says yes, set up a date and time and ask what the local facility protocol (paperwork, name badge, etc) is for shadowing.

Don't know anyone in hospital practice?
That's okay.  

Stay tuned for the next post, "What to Expect on Your Shadow Day"

copyright Megan Kingsley Gale.  all rights reserved.
Do not reproduce without author's written permission

Review the previous posts in this series
Basic education and licensing requirements before applying for hospital-practice work.
Benefits of shadowing healthcare practitioners
Pack Your Trail Bag--tools you need for the journey and how to develop stepping stones

Today's resource recommendations

Was this blogpost useful or interesting to you?
 You can buy me a coffee while I blog at a coffee shop ($3-$5) or 
support operating costs for a day $20.

If you want to support one of the Projects, like the Webinar Series, or sponsor a newsletter, contact me via the website

Thank you!

Do you want to follow our work at the Hospital Handbook Project?  Just sign up for the newsletter on the website, subscribe to the blog, and like our Facebook page.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Getting Your Foot in the Door of Hospital Practice, part 3: Pack Your Trail Bag
keywords:  hospital practice, prospective hospital-practice integrative health practitioners, students of East Asian Medicine (acupuncture), integrative health students, shadowing health care practitioners, preparing for hospital practice, KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to develop, volunteering in hospital practice setting

This is the third in the blogpost series answering the question:
"How do I get my foot in the door of hospital practice?"
Want to pre-order a download-able pdf of the entire series?
Contact us via the website with the message "I want to pre-order the Foot-in-Door download-able pdf".

If you are interested in following this work, please subscribe to this blog, the public Facebook page, and subscribe to the email newsletter.

Quick overview
  • First, make sure you have the basic requirements covered
  • Then, preparation.  
  • You must enrich your foundation, pack a trail bag, and find your trail guides.
  • Your first expeditions are to develop the basic stepping stones into successful hospital practice, shadowing and volunteering.  
  • These stepping stones are used throughout your hospital practice career to learn and grow.  So, become familiar with these stones and do not neglect how much easier they make crossing streams or rivers vs. wading in without a trail guide or path to follow.

Pack Your Trail Bag

Here we go!  You have your basic requirements for practice.  Now, you must enrich your foundations through experience and human connection.  
The analogy I use for this process is getting into the outdoors, packing your trail bag with the essential tools you will need, and finding trail guides to guide you along your various expeditions.  Because, like anyone adventuring into terrain unfamiliar to them, you will be most successful with supplies and experienced guides.  Plan multiple trips, because the weather is rarely perfect.  And, no matter the weather, every trip is a learning experience for you.  You will learn where your interests and skills may fit best. You will meet people (guides) along the way that you connect better with than others.  Every experience is an opportunity for learning.

Tools you need in your Trail Pack
So, pack your bag!  As you venture forth into these expeditions, whether it is the first one or the 100th, you will need:

·         A trail guide (at least one mentor)
·         A sense of curiosity balanced with respect while learning about a new culture
·        Capacity for caritas--generosity of volunteerism
·         Mindfulness of your limits, in practice scope, as well as personal limits
·       A sense of humility—you don’t know what and how much you don’t know
·       Grit and patience to stay the course
·       Love of learning to help you adapt to a changing world
·       Know or quickly learn the language of biomedicine

Tried and True Stepping Stones
The following are the two most tried and true stepping stones you need on any of your hikes/expeditions/paths to hospital practice:
·         Shadowing health care providers
·         Volunteering in the hospital setting

Take note!  
These stepping stones are needed, not just for your first expedition into hospital practice but for every expedition into this setting.  
I recommend building upon the stepping stones or crafting a set of specialized stepping stones (skill sets) as you grow in your hospital practice career. 
Maybe you find yourself specializing in the lowland hikes of pain management.  
Maybe you are drawn to the craggy heights with placid high-elevation lakes that is birth/mother-baby care or neonatal care.

These expeditions and stepping stones enrich your foundation.
As a gardener knows, you must enrich your foundation on a regular basis.  If not, the produce or shrubs lose their vibrancy and weaken over time.

copyright Megan Kingsley Gale.  all rights reserved.
Do not reproduce without author's written permission

Stay tuned for the next post, "Find Your Trail Guide".

Review the basic education and licensing requirements before applying for hospital-practice work.
Review the benefits of shadowing healthcare practitioners.

Today's resource recommendations

Was this blogpost useful or interesting to you?
 You can buy me a coffee while I blog at a coffee shop ($3-$5) or 
support operating costs for a day $20.

If you want to support one of the Projects, like the Webinar Series, or sponsor a newsletter, contact me via the website

Thank you!

Do you want to follow our work at the Hospital Handbook Project?  Just sign up for the newsletter on the website, subscribe to the blog, and like our Facebook page.