Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Survey: Preparing for a Joint Commission Visit

keywords and phrases: hospital-based acupuncturists, community surveys, wisdom-share, quality assurance, federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), preparing for a Joint Commission visit, resources for learning more about The Joint Commission


Community Survey this Season: 
Preparing for a Joint Commission Visit

For all acupuncturists working at a Joint Commission-accredited facility (or facility eligible for TJC accreditation) and their hospital sponsors (admin)

TJC = The Joint Commission, a non-profit accrediting body for healthcare facilities that focuses on safety and quality assurance measures.

Please share the survey link with colleagues who can add their wisdom.

Survey Link

Suspense Date: OPEN
Since we go through several rounds of this every year, I decided it is time I write something on this subject for the community. As of Jan 2020, the plan is to keep this survey open and compile responses every 6 months or as time & opportunity allow.

Goal: Learn about the community's current questions and concerns about preparing for a Joint Commission visit. Share your "lessons learned" for a Joint Commission visit. Share any standard operating procedures (SOPs) or other advice that was helpful to you in preparing for a Joint Commission visit. Share any other advice or questions you have on this subject. Continue the discussion in the community on this topic.

How will this info be used?
  1. Continue the discussion in the community about the topic
  2. When enough information gathered, will create a summary document(s) available to the discussion community and a public blog post summary via the blog 
  3. Follow up interview potential about specific programs for those interested in participating, part of the "issues in hospital practice" community webinar/interview series. For more about this special Project series, go here.  
  4. I will have the survey open through the holidays with a suspense date of 1.1.2020. I will compile responses received up to that time period. However, I can keep the survey open or re-open in the future and then compile notes received about every 6 months for the community. *Waiting to hear in this first round of information what the community would like as a resource.*

Why this survey
  • In the U.S., every hospital-based acupuncturist will come across The Joint Commission preparation and visit. And so will every acupuncturist who works in a Joint Commission accredited facility, including FQHC community health clinics. In an ideal situation, you had an awesome program manager/hospital admin who set up the whole program, from position description to credentialing to SOPs, to fly with sailing colors of quality assurance through the TJC process. And, that person has kept everyone up to par on all the quality assurance measures to stay compliant. However, that is an ideal situation. Many acupuncturists are new employees and might be encountering TJC prep rounds for the first time. This is an opportunity to connect with your community to wisdom-share with those who have set up programs, those in the process of setting up programs, and those who love the Metal Element of quality assurance. Because we need our Metal colleagues and their talents to round out all of us. When it comes to TJC visits, they shine. :) 
  • The Hospital Handbook Project is about connecting people to each other and sharing wisdom. This is an important topic for us to start a more structured discussion on. I am looking forward to your feedback. 
  • However, the Project is not a substitute for finding mentors in your own facility. The Project can connect you virtually with others dealing with the same or very similar issues and their solutions. For more about how much we value mentor-relationship building, please see the First Steps resources, available on the website.

So, without further ado! Would you fill out this survey to share your questions or wisdom?
Thank you. 🏥🦋🙂☕️

If you are a student or practitioner in the field and are interested in connecting to mentors or programs,
  1. First, check out our Hospital-based Practice Learning Opportunities Directory.
  2. Then, if the options in the directory don't fit your needs, you can contact me via the website with your query. 
  3. For free and low-cost resources already available for prospective hospital-based practitioners, go to the First Steps resources at our website, stay connected to this blog, and sign up for the email list.  
  4. For the New Hospital Employee, here is a new resource landing page for you.
  5. The current resource landing page for the Program Lead and Hospital Sponsor is here.
  6. Welcome to the community!

Blog posts related to The Joint Commission and Acupuncturists 

All blog posts are also available as pdfs for about the cost of taking me for coffee ☕. Just send me a message via the website contact page with which blog post(s) you would like in pdf form.

Other Community Survey Blogposts

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You can support this community-wisdom-sharing work by buying me a coffee or sponsoring a newsletter via our website.  Thank you.

If you are interested in a pdf copy of an article/post on this blog,
send me a message via the website with which post you are interested in.
A pdf copy is available for about the cost of a cup of coffee. ☕ All proceeds from the website go directly toward helping offset the basic operating costs of The Hospital Handbook Project. Thank you.

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