Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Lunchtime Listen: Wayne Jonas of Samueli Institute Interviews Dr. Henry Samueli, philanthropist and engineer

Samueli Institute's "On Human Flourishing" is a series of podcasts where Wayne Jonas interviews leaders in the field of integrative health.  I recommend starting with the Interview of Henry Samueli, PhD, an engineer and philanthropist.  He and his wife founded the Samueli Institute, which did impressive work on creating thorough research reviews of Integrative Medicine therapies and recently sunsetted (December 2016).  Samueli Institute's work has positively influenced the movement of integrative medicine into mainstream U.S. medicine by increasing the foundation of evidence-based research and literature reviews and communication of this information to the federal health system and U.S. hospital systems.  Henry Samueli has also set up philanthropic support for STEM programs for children and parents.

Listen to this 28 minute podcast conversation between Wayne Jonas, MD, and Henry Samueli, PhD, in the "On Human Flourishing" podcast dated April 7th, 2016.  Available on iTunes.

Related Lunchtime Listen:
3 minute YouTube video of Wayne Jonas, MD, of Samueli Institute, on shifting U.S. culture of health to one of community health, wellness, and prevention over disease-care-only as part of this idea of "on human flourishing".  It is a complex problem from health culture to socio-economic disparities.

For More Lunchtime Listens, see our YouTube Channel, "Lunchbreak Recommendations"

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