Wednesday, September 30, 2015

L.Ac. Occupational Code Comparison Chart, demonstrating most similar to privileged provider professions

keywords:  privileging, credentialing, LIP status, occupational codes
related blogposts:
LIP status and Acupuncturists and related Meridians article
Acupuncturist Occupational Code
Credentialing, privileging, and professional practice evaluation (FPPE, OPPE)

Provider type status (when credentialing and granting privileges) for 
East Asian Medicine Practitioners/Licensed Acupuncturists (L.Ac.s):
U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Codes Comparison Chart
2015 revision

This chart compares the following professions:
Physician (MD, DO), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), Physical Therapist (PT), Chiropractor (DC), Clinical pharmacist (PharmD), Physician Assistant (PA), Ultrasound technician, and Physical Therapy assistant.

The chart compares the following factors:
minimum degree required to practice
duration of training
federal occupational code:  delineation, job zone, core tasks
Licensed Independent Provider (LIP) status:  has NPI?  need supervision?
Note:  Chart does not fit well on blogpost at this time.  Contact this blog's editor for a copy.

Source:  O*Net, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics’ tracking system for new professions in the U.S. and
The Bureau of Labor and Statistics’ Occupational Code Handbook

Foot note 1 = “Level 1” vs. “Level 2” privileged provider exists within the U.S. military (DoD) medical system, when credentialing providers.  “Level 1 privileged provider status” in CHCS and AHLTA is allowed only for MDs and DOs.  All other privileged providers fall under “Level 2 privileged providers” in the U.S. military medical system.  In the civilian system, there is no “level” distinction among privileged providers.  In the civilian system, providers are “privileged” if they practice independently or not privileged.  Technicians are not privileged providers.

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