Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Help Build the Book: Introduction to Hospital Practice for Acupuncturists

related:  what building this resource means to the integrative medicine community

Want to reserve a signed copy of my first book, Introduction to Hospital Practice for Acupuncturists, after it is published?

Note:  The spring fundraiser ended in June 2017.  You can contribute anytime directly via the website.  The links for these blogposts are still active.

When you contribute at the following levels in our fundraiser, your money goes toward off-setting publishing costs and you will receive a copy of the book after it is published.

To take advantage of this offer, go to the fundraiser and contribute at one of the following levels:
  • Sapling Level
  • Maple Level
    • also includes access to webinar series recordings for 12 months after webinar series begins
  • Oak Level
    • also includes access to webinar series recordings for 12 months after the series starts
    • and the audiobook version of the Intro to Hospital Practice book, when the audiobook version is completed (due to start production after the Intro book is published)
  • Sitka Spruce
    • also includes access to webinar series recordings for 12 months after the series starts
    • the audiobook version of the Intro to Hospital Practice book, when the audiobook version is completed (due to start production after the Intro book is published)
    • Thank you in the book
Pick the option that fits you best or give one of these as a gift.  Then, go to the fundraiser page here.
Thank you!

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