Q1: Can this be a tax write-off?
A: No. The contributions from the
crowdfunding campaign page and website go to my business account, De-Stress
Vets, LLC. It is an LLC, not a 501c
entity. Only donations made to 501c
entities (official non-profit legal status) are tax-deductible. That is why we use the language
“contribution” instead of “donation” whenever we can, to try to avoid the
confusion. To help clarify, I have put
several notes on the HH blog and website explaining contributions are not
Q2: What is the difference if I contribute
through the crowdfunding page or the website or write you a check?
A: cost of fees and availability of perks. Here’s a quick
Donation location
Crowdfunding page
You can choose a “perk”
from various packages.
High visibility of who
is donating and amount donated
highest % of your
contribution goes to pay fees of using the site and payment processing fees.
I receive the money 2+
weeks after the campaign has ended.
If a perk is chosen,
less of the overall money goes directly to the Hospital Handbook Project
Hospital Handbook Project website
Contribution goes
directly to Hospital Handbook Project costs.
I receive the money in
the business bank account within 2 weeks of your contribution. [This is a shorter time than if you
contributed via the campaign page]
A small % of
contribution goes to processing fees.
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