Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Winter's Research Roundup

keywords:  research literacy, metrics, research writing resources, and more resources shared since last "research roundup" blog article

Review of the "Research and Metrics Thursdays" theme from the public Facebook Page and newsletter

At the Hospital Practice Handbook Project, we encourage practitioners to cultivate mentor-relationships and practice research literacy.

SAR 2019 Conference Notes, Published Articles, and Highlights
For a compilation of the community's notes on SAR and the articles (or their citations) written about the SAR 2019 conference since June 2019, go to our Conference Notes module.

Interested in Measuring Your Work?
New Acupuncture Research shares since last blog article

Massage Therapy Evidence Map 

Research Literacy Basics: Practical Applications for the Hospital-based Practitioner
The following citations were added to the blog article, "Research Literacy Notes for the Hospital-based Practitioner".

Research Thursdays: Oncology article
The following was updated in the "Research Thursdays: Oncology" blog resource article.
  • Journal of the American Society of Acupuncturists (JASA), formerly Meridians: JAOMfall 2019 issue articles on oncology
    • Clinical Pearls section query is "How Do You Treat Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Your Clinic?" p. 30 - 36
    • "Exceptional Results in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Oncology: A Focus Dryness and Heat Part One, Radiation: External Dryness" by Dr. Yair Maimon, p. 36
    • The 2019 Society for Integrative Oncology conference report by Dr. Jason Bussell, p. 40

New or Updated Resources on Research from NCCIH
  • Pragmatic Clinical Trials resource.
    • For those of you interested in clinical research in real-world settings, see NCCIH's online resource, "Rethinking Clinical Trials, A Living Textbook of Pragmatic Clinical Trials". This resource is published by the NIH Health Care Systems Research Collaboratory. It contains information about the design, conduct, and dissemination of pragmatic clinical research. And it has examples from the Collaboratory's demonstration projects.
  • NCCIH on the NIH HEAL initiatives to stem the opioid crisis with non-drug pain management approaches

"Join NCCIH and our director, Dr. Helene Langevin, as we launch NCCIH’s strategic planning process for the next 5-year plan (2021–2026). We will kick off this year-long process with a webinar for the complementary and integrative health community on the topic of 'Whole Person Health.' Dr. Langevin will share her thoughts on this topic, which considers the whole person and the relationships among numerous factors, including biologic, environmental, behavioral, mental, and social factors, in determining health. She will also focus on how this concept fits into and expands upon NCCIH’s current strategic plan and may serve as a way to inform our strategic planning and future research directions.
"Input gathered as a result of this event will feed into the NCCIH strategic planning process being led by Ms. Mary Beth Kester, Director of the NCCIH Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation.
"Dr. Langevin presented initial thoughts on this topic at the afternoon session of the September 20, 2019, NCCIH Advisory Council meeting." 

Podcasts's "Working Scientist" podcast

Reviewing Some Research Basics

Metrics: Clinician Employee Burnout & Employee Well-Being
Are you interested in measuring burnout or well-being?
Learn more about the NAM Clinician Well-Being Series at our concise blog post here

For more on the topic of research

Other monthly research summary blogposts
Research Review posts
Research Resource Websites & Journals

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You can support this community-wisdom-sharing work by buying me a coffee or sponsoring a newsletter via our website.  Thank you.

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